The go-to podcast for trailblazing entrepreneurs who believe in doing business (and life) DIFFERENTLY. Tired of hearing the same fluffy advice over and over again? We’re pulling back the curtain to give you an honest take on entrepreneurship. No BS, just real, practical strategies to fuel your growth — and remind you that wherever you are on your journey, you’re not in this alone. Join host Megan Smyth for weekly interviews, roundtable discussions, and solo soapbox episodes to help YOU blaze your own path and build a business that lights you up. Welcome to the new era of entrepreneurship. Welcome to the Blaze podcast!
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
13. Master the Art of Story-Selling with Heather Rameau
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
“Just share your story!” is one of the worst things you can say to any entrepreneur….and our latest guest is here to tell us why.
Heather Rameau is a Personal Branding and Storytelling Coach for female solopreneurs. As the founder of StoryTellHer, she empowers women to build their brand and share their story so they can connect with others, show up confidently on social media, and market their business in a way that feels good.
Stories are a fundamental part of who we are as humans AND as business owners. In this episode, we’re breaking down how to share your story with confidence (even if you feel like it’s basic/boring) and craft a narrative your audience will connect with!
Click play to learn:
A simple 3-part formula to tell better stories
How to mine your backstory and everyday life for storytelling GOLD
A quick litmus test to determine which stories are worth sharing (and which ones to avoid 😬)
Heather’s biggest hack to instantly supercharge your storytelling
Plus the MOST powerful factor in building a stand-out brand (this + storytelling = 🤯💸)!
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Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
Tuesday Nov 28, 2023
We all want our websites to be beautiful…but it’s equally important to have a strategy behind the pretty design. Today’s guest is here to show us how to make your website work harder so you don’t have to!
Corine Pettit is a Strategic Website Designer for online service-based entrepreneurs and educators. In an era of “pretty” websites that sit around collecting dust, Corine uses her strategy-first approach to design websites that crush industry standards.
This is a really fun conversation because you get to hear about how to improve your website from a layout, design, AND copywriting perspective. We get super tactical about small tweaks that will have a BIG impact on your conversions (including one of my fav topics: buttons!!).
No need to outsource–these are super easy changes you can make on your own in the next 30 minutes!
You’ll also get to hear Corine’s story, why she left behind her engineering career to pursue web design, and how one fateful trip to Applebee’s changed her life forever…
Click play to learn:
The powerful (and unexpected) metric Corine tracks to measure her work-life balance
What you need to know BEFORE redoing your website
Common website mistakes and how to fix them in <5 minutes
How to use the “distracted squirrel mentality” to boost your conversions
What is a website finish line and why do you need one?
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Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
11. Better After Burnout with Greer Frances
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
If you’re in a transition period, this one’s for you!
Today we’re talking about what comes *after* burnout – when you know something needs to change, but you’re not sure what. It’s time to make some BIG DECISIONS and figure out what you want next.
I’m joined by Greer Frances: Creative Director, Branding Expert & Trauma-Informed Worthiness Coach. Over the past decade, Greer has started FIVE different businesses and she’s currently in the middle of her own brand transformation (which will be live by the time this airs!).
Click play to learn:
Simple changes you can make to get out of a creative rut
How to drastically change your relationship with your business in 20 minutes a day
A 5-minute fix to maintain better boundaries
How to make BIG DECISIONS + figure out what you want next
Enjoyed this episode? Leaving a 5-star review will only take a moment, but it means the world and helps us bring you more free content!
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Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
10. How to Take Care of Yourself (While Taking Care of Your Business)
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Tuesday Nov 14, 2023
Welcome to a self-care conversation that doesn’t involve meditation, yoga, or soaking in a long, hot bubble bath (baths are gross and I will die on this hill)!
Today I’m sharing a simple, two-minute practice you can use to take better care of yourself.
This convo is ESPECIALLY relevant if you’re going through a season of stress or overwhelm, but even if your life is going great right now this is still a great practice to incorporate into your day.
Click play to hear:
Behind the scenes of my life/business during the wild-ass year that has been 2023
What the standard self-care advice gets wrong (this is seriously messed up)
How to take better care of yourself in just two minutes a day
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Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
09. How to Reclaim REST as an Entrepreneur with Amanda Bourbonais
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Amanda Bourbonais is a holistic health copywriter and the original Health First Freelancer. She has spent the last three years creating a freelance business that supports her healthy lifestyle and allows her to manage chronic Lyme disease and ulcerative colitis on her own terms.
She's now transitioning to become a source of knowledge and inspiration for anyone who wants to create their own Health First business and live a life that truly supports their well-being every day.
Click play to learn:
How to schedule your days around your energy levels
Top 2 strategies to get shit done with chronic illness
How to “Slight Edge” your way to success
Beginner-friendly breath work and meditation ideas
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Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
08. Ditching Routines and Starting a Second Business with Ashley Crowe
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Tuesday Oct 24, 2023
Productivity. Is there any topic MORE talked about online?
We all want to get more shit done, but between the time blocking, theme days, CEO days, weekly routines, morning routines, and evening routines…we spend more time planning how productive we’re going to be than we do actually doing the thing.
And what if you’re someone who hates following a schedule? Or whose old routine no longer fits your current season of life? Are you just doomed forever?
Ashley Crowe is living proof that you don’t need to follow a set routine to be a successful entrepreneur. Not only has Ashley built her copywriting business while homeschooling her kids, but she was also able to retire her husband, launch a second business, and do it all while traveling around the States in an RV (no big deal).
Click play to hear:
The Anti-Routine: productivity advice for people who hate routines
How being a mom has shaped Ashley’s business for the better
The slow travel lifestyle and advice for taking your business on the road
Advice for starting a second business
“Help! I have all the ideas!!” How to choose which projects are worth pursuing
Enjoyed this episode? Leaving a 5-star review will only take a moment, but it means the world and helps us bring you more free content!
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